Need assistance? PEAK is an online service for Coloradans to screen and apply for medical, food, cash, and early childhood assistance programs. The fast and easy way to access benefit information- anytime and anywhere.

Need assistance? PEAK is an online service for Coloradans to screen and apply for medical, food, cash, and early childhood assistance programs. The fast and easy way to access benefit information- anytime and anywhere.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here to download if you need to install.
If you wish to email these forms, save a copy after filling out the form and email as an attachment to: enrollment@earlyconnections.org
Early Connections Learning Centers will make delay/closure decisions by 6:00 am in most instances. Please note that we will always make an effort to open at our regular time.
Sand Creek location ONLY: Our Sand Creek location follows District 2’s closure policy. If District 2 closes, Early Connections at Sand Creek will also close.
Centers will close early (3 p.m.) when weather worsens.
Evening events are cancelled when Centers close.
Please check our Facebook page, website or sign up to receive Flash Alerts to see up to date closure information.
Date | Holiday |
1/3/22 | New Year’s Day |
1/17/22 | Martin Luther King Day |
2/21/22 | President’s Day |
5/30/22 | Memorial Day |
7/4/22 | Independence Day |
9/5/22 | Labor Day |
11/4/22 | Professional Development Day |
11/24/22 | Thanksgiving |
11/25/22 | Day after Thanksgiving |
12/23/22 | Christmas Eve |
12/26/22 | Christmas Day |
12/30/22 | New Year’s Eve |